Please find below some testimonials of clients of Project Management Support
Please click on the "name" for more information per testimonial.
“I was amazed to see how quickly Margot Beukers could get acquainted to a completely new project. Moreover, her advice was instrumental to get our K4DD IMI project granted.”
Em. Prof. Ad IJzerman, PhD. Head of the Division of Medicinal Chemistry, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
"Margot did a great job on assembling and editing the End-term report for NanoNextNL. She is very effective, fast and precise and a very pleasant person to work with!"
Prof. Albert Polman, Program Leader AMOLF, The Netherlands.
“Margot did a fantastic job in managing all these different characters of partners in the PKPD modeling platform. Without her support, it would have virtually been impossible to get all parties aligned on the new project agreement and get the collaboration started in time.”
Dr. Axel Facius, Executive Director thinkQ2, former Senior Fellow Pharmacometrics, Global Pharmacometrics Experimental Medicine, Takeda Pharmaceuticals GmbH, Zürich, Switzerland.
"Thanks to Margots enthusiasm, dedication and organizational skills we had a great start of our DDMoRe project as she assisted with the expression of interest and the full proposal including the organization of the project meetings."
Prof. Charlotte Kloft, Freie Universität Berlin, Institut für Pharmazie, Germany
“The feedback from Margot Beukers on my (accepted) Marie Curie proposal has been of great help!”
Dr. J.C.G. van Hasselt, Associate Professor Leiden University.
“As the principal investigator of the DCTI project I was very pleased to have Margot as a project manager. Her ability to balance very well between ‘pushing’ relevant information to the partners and ‘pulling’ information from the partners makes her very effective and pleasant to work with.”
Scientific director DCTI.
Prof dr. Eelco de Koning, Diabetology, LUMC, Leiden & Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
"Margot heeft aan de PIs van ons net gestarte interdisciplinaire project een workshop over governance van het project gegeven.
Het was een middag vol tips en tricks waar we als een onervaren en jong team goed voorbereid werden op het inrichten van de overlegstructuur en op het smeden van hechte teams.
Prof. dr. Egija Zaura, projectleider NWA-ORC project METAHEALTH: Health in a microbial, sociocultural and care context in the first 1000 days of life."
I was very happy with the excellent support of Margot for the IMM-BBB project of the BRAINS initiative (Health Holland). She perfectly managed all the contract and budget negations, and communicated with all partners, this would not be possible without her. It is a pleasure to work with her.
The very efficient, solution-driven work attitude of Margot is very instrumental to the programme management, in particular in the dissemination of the results, of NanoNextNL the Dutch national research and technology programme for micro and nano technology.
Dr. Léon Gielgens, Strategy & Policy at the NWO Domain Applied and Engineering Sciences, former Programme Director NanoNextNL, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
"Margot heeft ons fantastisch ondersteund. Ze kenmerkt zich door betrouwbaarheid en betrokkenheid. Als ik haar iets vroeg dan kon ik erop bouwen dat ik snel een antwoord kreeg. Ook denkt ze mee en heeft ze oog voor detail wat het werk naar een hoger niveau tilde."
Without Margot's assistance in the project agreement negotiations the PKPD platform would never have been established."
Prof Meindert Danhof, MD, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology, Leiden University, The Netherlands.
"Margot’s dedicated help and decisive management was instrumental for my company to successfully enter
the Mechanism-based PKPD modeling platform."
Sandra Visser, PhD. Vice President, Global Head Clinical Pharmacology M&S Oncology, GSK, former Principal Scientist Quantitative Pharmacology & Pharmacometrics, Diabetes Therapeutic Area Lead, Merck, North Wales, Pennsylvania, US.
“Margot Beukers is very well-organized and her enthusiasm, expertise and people's skills are the basis for her success in the management of large research projects.”
Titia Plantinga, PhD, Senior Program Officer NWO domain Applied and Engineering Sciences, Formerly Senior Consultant Subsidy Advice - Life Sciences at Hezelburcht Bio Top.
"Margot Beukers' success in project management is due to her very dedicated and supportive attitude".
Ton Rijnders, PhD, Consultant Pharma and Life Sciences, Former General Director Oncode Institute, Scientific Advisor Lygature, former Scientific Director Top Institute Pharma, former Vice President and Site Head Discovery NL at Merck.
"The contribution of Margot Beukers to the GPCR forum project made us at TI Pharma aware of the need to appoint project managers to our complex projects."
Willem de Laat, MD, PhD, MBA, CEO MedRing, former Managing Director Top Institute Pharma, former Executive Vice President Medical Affairs and Quality at Organon International NV.